Industrias atendidas

Industrias atendidas

3D Print Infiltrants

3D Print Infiltrants Permabond 3D Print Infiltrants are low odor alkoxyethyl cyanoacrylates designed to seal, strengthen, and brighten 3D printed…

Adhesives for Agricultural & Construction Machinery

Agricultural & Construction Machinery Adhesives Agricultural equipment represents a significant investment for those working in the farming industry and other…

Adhesives for Composites – All Industry

High performance adhesive products with superb bond strength on composite materials such as GRP, FRP and carbon fibre.

Adhesives for Electric Vehicles

Adhesives offer many advantages to both traditional as well as electric vehicles, including; ease of use compared to welding, environmental…

Adhesives for Heat Exchangers

Depending on your preferred manufacturing process, Permabond has a choice of high performance adhesive sealants for bonding heat exchangers.

Adhesives for Lighting

Permabond Adhesives for Lighting Applications Permabond manufactures adhesives that are trusted for the many bonding, coating, and sealing applications found in…

Adhesives for Metal Fabrication

Adhesives for Metal Fabrication Advances in adhesive technology allow metal fabrication without mechanical fasteners and welding while increasing structural integrity…

Adhesives for Personal Electronic Devices

Adhesives for Personal Electronic Devices Engineers who work in the field of personal electronic devices understand the benefits that adhesives…

Adhesives for Sports and Leisure Equipment

Adhesives for Sports and Leisure Equipment Adhesives are used throughout the entire sporting goods industry. In fact, you’d likely struggle…

Aerospace Adhesives

Permabond has a variety of aerospace approved adhesives.

Appliance Adhesives

Adhesives for Appliances Permabond adhesives are used extensively in small and large appliances. Consumer and industrial appliance manufacturers rely on…

Automotive Adhesive

Adhesives for automotive parts manufacturing, auto assembly and maintenance, repair, re-manufacturing and overhaul

Electric Motor Adhesives

Permabond offers a number of adhesives suitable for bonding electric motor components including rapid cure, toughened impact resistant and high temperature resistant products. Acid-free formulations also available.

Electronics Adhesives

Permabond supplies electronic components manufacturers worldwide with a variety of adhesive products suitable for bonding components, tacking wires, bonding heat-sinks, PCB material, touchscreens and plastic housings

Filter Bonding Adhesives

Permabond is specified by a number of filter manufacturers for crimp sealant, filter potting material. and gasket bonding. Food grade and drinking water approved products are available.

Fire Protection Adhesive and Sealants

Permabond threadsealant (or pipesealant) adhesives are used on sprinkler systems worldwide.

Food Safe Epoxy Adhesives

Permabond Food-Safe Epoxy Adhesives Permabond food-safe epoxy adhesives have been formulated using FDA-approved raw materials. These adhesives therefore comply with…

Gas Pipeline Restoration Products

Permabond Gaseal products for repair and restoration of gas pipelines.

Glass Adhesive – All Industry

Permabond UV curable adhesives are suitable for a variety of applications on decorative and structural glass.

Marine Adhesives

Permabond is specified by boat parts manufacturers and also for maintenance, repair and overhaul of nautical machinery during dry-dock.

Medical Device Adhesives

Permabond recognizes that each application has its own unique challenges and medical device applications have a few more challenges than most.

MRO Adhesive and Sealants

Permabond has an excellent range of anaerobic threadlockers, threadsealants, FIP gasketmakers and retainers as well as rapid curing general purpose adhesives for bonding repair jobs.

Munitions Adhesives and Sealants

Permabond has patented bullet sealing technology and offers NATO approved products for sealing bullets.

OEM Adhesives

Adhesives used on a large scale on assembly and production lines worldwide can be sourced from Permabond. Our key is to provide a reliable, high performance solution to optimise both your final product performance but to also assist streamline production processes and maximise output.

Pump Sealants and Adhesives

Pump, compressor and valve manufacturers have relied on Permabond products for many decades.

Speaker Adhesives

Permabond supplies adhesives for a range of applications within speaker assemblies. Permabond can help optimise product performance and make production lines as efficient as possible with rapid curing, easy to use products suitable for use on automated dispensing equipment.

Specialty Vehicle Adhesives

Specialty Vehicle Adhesives Permabond manufactures a variety of specialty vehicle adhesives and sealants. Whether you are puttering in a golf…

Transport Industry Adhesive and Sealants

Permabond is a popular and reliable choice for the rail industry – from track bonding to bonding carriages, Permabond can offer suitable adhesive products. Permabond also supplies to tram, bus and metro industries.

Valve Adhesives and Sealants

Pump, compressor and valve manufacturers have relied on Permabond products for many decades.

Wind Energy Adhesive and Sealants

Adhesives for use on wind turbine applications, solar energy etc.
