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You may have come across the term ‘potting’ in adhesives and wondered what it actually means. We’re not talking about…
Electric vehicles (EVs), just like their combustion engine counterparts, need optimal temperatures in order to run at their best. In…
A PCB manufacturer was experiencing some inconsistency in manufacturing, specifically with corner and edge bonding, due to the variability of…
Adhesives offer a convenient method of attaching electronic dies, semiconductors, or silicon wafers to electronic circuitry. Key properties which make…
Adhesives that withstand reflow soldering In today’s world, electrical engineers are charged with the challenging task of precisely filling an…
Electrically conductive adhesive products are primarily used for electronics applications where components must be held in place, and electrical current…
WHAT IS POTTING? Potting is essentially filling a “pot” with adhesive (or a potting compound). When potting electronics, the components…
Permabond’s UV649 is a thixotropic (flow controlled) UV gel. It seals connections around fine wires without flowing outside the desired…
Electronics Adhesive How do adhesives for electronic assembly differ from general engineering adhesives? Are they stronger? Faster? Do they resist…
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