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Today we’re focusing on a Permabond classic, and one of our most popular products for years – Permabond 737. This…
Gluing glass with UV adhesives produces excellent results when done correctly. Understanding what can compromise the strength and longevity of…
As we discussed here, there are three basic ways to remove adhesive. Mainly, dissolving, heating, and stress. To remove cyanoacrylate…
More adhesive isn’t necessarily better when you want an effective bond or seal. Covering the bond surface is the main…
Permabond 2K Primer is a dual-purpose product. It indicates whether or not sufficient surface preparation has been carried out and…
What are industrial adhesives? How do they differ from consumer adhesives? Strictly speaking, industrial adhesives are adhesives that are labeled…
A structural adhesive is an adhesive that forms a bond which bears a structural load. Two of the most common…
One of the questions our tech team asks engineers seeking an adhesive recommendation is “How many assemblies will you be…
Permabond 2K Primer is a multi-purpose product. It is ideal for preparing substrates for bonding, identifying if the surface is…
Over the holidays, I was visiting with a cousin from out of town that was talking about her new job. …
Proper PPE personal protection equipment is described in section 8 of the adhesive SDS. Basic personal protection from adhesives includes…
I recently sat in on a meeting regarding redesigning a cap for one of our adhesive products. I had expected…
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