Klebstoffe für Elektro-Motoren

Electric Motor Adhesives and Bonding

Everything from a tiny motor inside your electric toothbrush… to your pump in the garden pond… to the electric wing mirror adjustment in your car, electric motors are everywhere. In fact, over 2 billion motors are produced every year for the automotive industry alone. Adhesives are intrinsic to the structure of electric motors as they are an effective way of securing magnets, shafts, rotors, and housings together, without the need for mechanical fixings which increase motor size, weight, and noise.

Typical Applications:

Electric Motors

  • Bonding of magnets to rotors
  • Bonding of magnets to housings
  • Wire tacking
  • Shafts to rotors
  • Sealed electric motors (like underwater pumps)
  • Bonding ferrites
  • Bonding motor stators
  • Sealing exterior housing

Key Features of Adhesives for Electric Motors

Permabond’s magnet bonding adhesives have been developed to perform well on materials such as steel, ferrite, neodymium, and other magnet materials. Key features include the ability to withstand high temperatures, quick cure speeds for high-speed electric motor manufacturing lines, and excellent impact resistance to pass industry “drop tests”. Permabond offers a new methacrylic acid-free structural acrylic adhesive which is quickly becoming a favorite amongst motor manufacturers who are looking for an adhesive that will not corrode sensitive components when inside a sealed motor. The additional benefit of this adhesive is that it does not require a heat cure so helps maintain a better level of magnetism.

Permabond offers a range of curing technologies to match your production line requirements and can help to optimize your product performance, economically.

Related information


Adhesives for magnet bonding

How to bond magnets

Optimize Your Motor Magnet Assembly Process


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